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Shift__Emilie zimmerman


I knew I recognized the name; Jay was one of the engineers who helped build the invisible shield to keep humans from knowing our existence

He was thrown off the island because he was working behind the head inventors back, making things to harm us

He told us that he would have revenge someday, and I guess that day was today

“well hello there Drake, it’s nice to see you again, I see you’ve found your mate, that’s a shame

It’s a good thing we gave you my pills, because what you are about to see would probably destroy your inner animal” he said menacingly

I growled “If you put one finger on her, I will rip you apart!” I shouted, pulling against the chains

“Oh, I’m not going to put a finger on her, I am testing how good your strength is, under pain” he said, just as one of the guards came in with a whip

Now everyone growled

Laurence, Lamina and Maria were all growling

They unchained Jenna and set her in the middle of the floor, I pulled harder against the chains as the guard prepared to use that thing on her

She swung it in the air, and brought it down, slashing it across her back, pain coursed through me as well, but the pain of letting her be hurt, tears ran down my cheeks as she cried out in pain, my inner animal started getting stronger, and as he brought the whip down again, and she cried out, my inner animal got angrier, which made him stronger

I growled and pulled harder than before on the chains

He was about to bring the whip down again when I shifted and broke the chains that bound me, I jumped over Jenna and landed on the guard, ripping him to pieces

I turned around, only to be frozen completely; Jenna was in a choke hold, a knife to her throat

The one holding her was Jay, the knife was shaking as he held it to her throat “I’ll kill her, I promise I will” he said shakily, sweat dewing on his forehead.
